Mindset Tips

Mindset Tips

Upon waking up, begin by experiencing gratitude to elevate your vibration. Make gratitude a constant in your life. With practice you will be able to not only feel gratitude in the mind, but through your body. Place your hand on your heart and lean into the experience...
5 Yin poses to calm mind, body and soul

5 Yin poses to calm mind, body and soul

This 30 minute sequence will leave you well rested and grounded. Hold each pose for 5 minutes. Remember that yoga is not about how flexible we are, but rather how present we can be. Stay connected to your breath and body. Use these poses to move out of your head space...
5 easy ways to get essential oils into your life!!

5 easy ways to get essential oils into your life!!

1. Start your day by diffusing essential oils that are uplifting. Any citrus oil will be a great choice: wild orange, lime and grapefruit are favourites. Mint oils blend very well with citrus. My favourite morning combo is: wild orange and peppermint. 2. Keep a jar of...